50 SEBHSA, manufacture of concrete pumps, specialize in crawler-mounted concrete pumps since 1973  
Background image courtesy of zakladani.cz

Applications and Techniques

Continuous Flight Auger Drilling (CFA)

It is a type of drilled foundation in which the pile is drilled to its final depth in one continuous process using a continuous flight auger. While the auger is drilled into the ground, the flights of the auger are filled with soil, which provides lateral support and maintains the stability of the hole.
At the same time the augers are withdrawn from the hole, concrete or grout is placed by pumping the concrete/grout mix through the hollow center of the auger pipe to the base. The concrete/groud mix is placed as the auger is removed, and the hole is never left open or unsupported. Reinforcement is then placed into the fluid concrete/grout filled hole to complete the pile.
Continuous Flight Auger Drilling (CFA)
• Provide structural support.
• Provide earth retention, especially on site boundaries or close to adjacent buildings.
• Prevent landslides or protect existing buildings and are often combined with other techniques such as ground anchors or soil nails.
• Infrastructure projects such as tunnelling, road or bridge construction as well as flood protection.
  • Production of custom machines